About Winnie

A little about the day I met Winnie.

Years back, I embarked on my Dog Mom adventure in Virginia, welcoming my first adult dog, the legendary Gracie. 14 incredible years with her left an insatiable craving for more, and her departure shattered me.

One May day, after Gracie's departure, I stumbled upon a group of hopeful dogs seeking homes. Among them was "Tilly," a sight that stirred my emotions. Holding back tears, I moved on, only to make a U-turn, park, and confront my feelings. As fate would have it, Tilly licked my hand and my tears flowed freely.
In an instant, she became mine. Amidst logistics and anxious waiting, I finally walked her alone. Overwhelmed yet unshakably convinced, I made calls brimming with excitement. I had found my new companion. Moments later, she was beside me in the car, and we were homeward bound.

Reality wasn't easy. Grief for Gracie lingered, and the new responsibilities felt daunting. An unnamed senior dog entered my life. But her story of motherhood inspired a unique moniker, "Titty," albeit met with skepticism. "Winnebago," a term my brother playfully suggested, struck a chord. She was Winnie. The anxious knots in my heart unraveled as she embraced her new name.

A trip to fetch her collar and nameplate sealed our bond. While perusing through her rescue folder, a hidden surrender document revealed her true name, "Winnie." The serendipity was astonishing.
For five transformative years, Winnie lavished love upon me. She anchored me through cancer's aftermath, emotional turmoil, heartbreaks, and the isolation of COVID. A promise to cherish her senior years led me to face my fears and challenges head-on, even welcoming a puppy into our lives.

Winnie, a beacon of courage, stood by me. Her presence was a salve for my anxieties, PTSD, and depression, stemming from a traumatic period. Though she departed in 2022, not a day goes by without thoughts of her and gratitude for her unwavering love.

This shop stands as a tribute to that remarkable journey, a testament that even amidst adversity, we can conquer. Winnie's legacy fuels our resilience and reminds us that we are capable of enduring life's toughest trials with unwavering bravery and love.

This shop is to honor that journey, and to remind myself (and you) that we can do hard things, that we can love who we love, and what we love, however we choose to love it!